Thursday, October 17, 2013

Governor Walker & Lt Governor Kleefisch Meet That Salsa Lady

The expression on the Gov face is priceless as he is informed
DT3 is 11 y/o AND the TSL Sales Director.
DT3 also completed the Udacity How to Start a Small Business College Level Online Course making him the youngest person to do so as well as
the youngest GAN Founder in the world.

The Governor may appear serious on TV however,
the TSL team soon discovered he is a riot in person!

Nimmy the TSL Finance Dude and That Salsa Lady herself enjoyed some alone time
with Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch.

The CHip CHick, DT3 & That Salsa Lady are joined by
Gov Scott Walker & VP of WEDC Lisa Johnson as they are presented with $10,000 and
a certificate of completion for Revolution Labs!

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