Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy Dance -- That Salsa Lady is HERE!

 The Slimming effects of SALSA!!!
 Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? We are out of Chips!
Wiggle wiggle wiggle ting a ling a ling.........we got more chips!!!

RECIPES.....not just chips and salsa!

Be sure to check us out on Facebook.com/thatsalsalady for recipe ideas and solutions

2011-12 Event season.......See what you missed!

Wait a dang minute is that an order or is someone walking away with the ENTIRE sample platter?
Roasted Tomatoes and Garlic for salsa...........

Music in the park.........St Joseph Hospital

Book bag giveaway Handsome barbershop Teutonia and Center Street

Roasted Garlic smells HEAVENLY
Golf outing for St Mark's

1st annual I Love Chips Salsa and Guacamole event! We took 1st place in 3 categories!!